A Spa Day For You!


Melt the stress of the day away and pamper someone special with our ‘A Spa Day For You’ gift basket. Your recipient will enjoy a return to serenity as they discover all the beautifully arranged bath and body treats awaiting them!



You are unique and, so are our one-of-a-kind ‘A Spa Day for You’ gift baskets! Reward yourself, or a loved one, with a staycation spa day at home. Each basket includes a variety of indulgent bath products including moisturizing lotions, relaxing bubble baths, body washes, and other goodies to help bring you to a place of peace and serenity.

Current scent theme(s) available:
Thank You Card
Gift Tag

*Spa basket items continuously vary. No two baskets are the same.
-Edible items in this basket may be made with, or made in a facility that is exposed to nuts and other possible known allergens.